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Prospering By The Word – Pastor Favour Myles

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Prospering By The Word – Pastor Favour Myles

Series: Total Life Prosperity
Topic: Prospering by the word
Minister: Pastor Favour Myles

Joshua 1:8, 3John 1:2, 1John 5:3 (AMP,NLT)

– Prosperity is God’s will for you. God desires prosperity for you more than you desire it for yourself.
– God wants you to thrive and prosper, but God begins to have problem with it when you’re covetous
– One word from God is more than enough to change your life and bring prosperity.
– God has a word for you regarding your prosperity. Once you find it, stay with it until you find light. Prioritize meditation.
– Stay with God’s word until it becomes light for you.
– Putting God’s word first in your life will equal to prosperity.
– Prosperity is well being, abundance and overflow.
– When you do God’s will, prosperity will follow you. And doing God’s will is not difficult.
– God does not delight in your suffering , he gives his word for your benefit.
– God’s word is not grievous Psalms 19:7
– There is the world’s system and there is God’s system.
– Be sure to go for God’s system for it is true and sure with abundance, joy, prosperity and everything you need to live life well.

Romans 12:2
– Don’t pay attention to the world’s system. Chose the God system, that is how you prosper

How to prosper by the word

1) Find His word and be convinced about it.

– Your life will move in the direction of your conviction.
– Decide to believe His word for you and unto you.
– Your conviction about His word is what brings manifestation to you
– When you stay with God’s word long enough, you become what it says.
– Make a conscious decision to stay with the word of God

2) Make the decision to plant the word of God in your heart
Mark 4:13-20, Revelation 2:9(NLT).

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