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Unlocking the Power of Persistence- Pastor Myles

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Unlocking the Power of Persistence- Pastor Myles

Title: Unlocking the Power of Persistence: Insights from Mark 11:23-26

In a recent sermon led by Pastor Myles, the congregation delved deep into the concept of persistence, drawing wisdom from Mark 11:23-26. Here’s a summary of the powerful lessons shared:

Faith Overcomes: Pastor Myles emphasized that our challenges aren’t due to a lack of faith. Rather, it’s about tapping into the unwavering faithfulness of God.

Understanding Persistence: Persistence isn’t merely about effort; it’s about being consistently constant and constantly consistent in our faith journey.

God’s Unique System: The sermon highlighted the distinction of God’s system, which operates on principles different from the world’s.

Discerning Truth: Amidst the noise of falsehoods, it’s crucial to recognize the genuine from the counterfeit, focusing on the original truth found in God’s word.


Confronting Problems: Instead of evading challenges, we’re encouraged to confront them head-on, anchored in God’s promises.

The Power of Confession: Our persistence is deeply intertwined with our confession of God’s word. By speaking His truth, we pave the way for victory.

Shaping Reality: Believing in God’s word allows us to shape our reality positively, understanding the transformative power of our words.

Nourishing the Soul: Immersing ourselves in uplifting music and saturating our hearts with God’s word strengthens our resolve and faith.

The Unwavering Truth: Central to our journey is the unshakeable truth that God cannot deceive us; His promises are steadfast.

Forgiveness Matters: Mark 11:24-26 reminds us of the importance of forgiveness, urging us not to harbour unforgiveness in our hearts as we persist in faith.

In essence, the sermon underscores the significance of persistence rooted in unwavering faith, confession of God’s truth, and a heart inclined towards forgiveness. Through these principles, believers can navigate challenges, shape their reality, and ultimately experience the victory promised by God.


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