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The Ultimate Friend – Minister Sekani Precious

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The Ultimate Friend – Minister Sekani Precious

Friendship Sunday Service | Sunday Third Service – (14th April, 2024)

Topic: The Ultimate Friend
Text: Psalm 23:1-
Minister: Precious Sekani

Today was Friendship Sunday, Minister Precious Sekani delved into the profound depths of Psalm 23:1-3, shedding light on the essence of the ultimate friend. The congregation was uplifted and inspired as Minister Sekani articulated the timeless truths encapsulated in this beloved passage.

The core message resonated with the fundamental truth that to love well is to love God. Through a poignant reflection on the text, Minister Sekani underscored the significance of orienting our love towards the Divine, emphasizing that in loving God, we discover our true purpose and fulfillment.

Drawing from Psalm 23, Minister Sekani illuminated the transformative power of divine love. In the tender imagery of a shepherd caring for his flock, the psalmist portrays God as not merely a friend, but the ultimate friend—the one who walks beside us in every season of life, guiding, comforting, and protecting us.

A key takeaway from Minister Sekani’s sermon was the profound realization that God’s love transcends all boundaries. In our darkest moments, when we feel most alone and vulnerable, God remains steadfast in His love, never faltering in His commitment to us. This unwavering love serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that we are never truly alone.

Moreover, Minister Sekani emphasized that God’s love is not merely a gift among many; rather, it is the greatest gift of all. In giving Himself to us, God bestows upon us the most precious treasure imaginable—the gift of His own presence and companionship.

As the service concluded, Minister Sekani encouraged the congregation to bask in the boundless love that God has for each and every one of us. This divine love, he affirmed, is the foundation of our faith, the source of our strength, and the ultimate assurance of our salvation.

In summary, Minister Precious Sekani’s message on Psalm 23:1-3 served as a powerful reminder of the incomparable depth and magnitude of God’s love. Through his insightful exposition, he invited believers to cultivate a deeper relationship with the ultimate friend—the One who loves us unconditionally, eternally, and extravagantly.

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