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The Laws of the Universe – Pastor Joseph Ice

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The Laws of the Universe – Pastor Joseph Ice

Jean Sunday | Third Service – (21st April, 2024).

Topic: The Laws of the Universe
Text: Job 38:33
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

Today we learnt that it’s crucial to grasp the profound truth that God honors diligence. The journey towards fulfilling dreams isn’t for the idle; it’s for those who rise, take steps, and radiate light into the darkness around them.

Money, often seen as a measure of value, reflects the fruits of our labor. But beyond material wealth, lies a deeper truth: our actions shape the world. Just as the Earth responds to our stewardship, our choices mold our reality.

Yet, amidst life’s challenges, it’s easy to adopt a passive “What will be will be” mindset. However, this fatalism contradicts the very essence of our existence. We’re not merely subject to circumstances but empowered to shape our destinies.

Embedded within us are dreams, precious to God and meant to be pursued with unwavering faith. Despite the daunting obstacles, God’s word, residing in our hearts, remains unstoppable. It transcends earthly limitations, offering boundless potential for those who believe.

However, discerning God’s dreams from personal desires requires introspection. Do our aspirations glorify God and serve humanity? This litmus test, echoed in Zechariah 5:2-3, guides us towards dreams aligned with divine purpose.

So, dare to dream big, unbound by societal constraints or familial background. For when God sponsors our dreams, His power eclipses any earthly limitation. Embrace diligence, ignite your dreams, and witness God’s transformative grace unfold.

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