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Wisdom of The Spirit II – Pastor Joseph Ice

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Wisdom of The Spirit II – Pastor Joseph Ice

In the second word session brought by Pastor Joseph Ice, he continued on the thought of the profound topic of Wisdom of The Spirit.  He led us through an enlightening session based on 1 Corinthians 2:16.


Key Takeaways from Pastor Joseph Ice’s Sermon:

  1. The Mind is Elastic: Pastor Joseph emphasized the flexibility of the human mind, highlighting its capacity to stretch and adapt. Just as elastic can be pulled and expanded, so can our minds.
  2. I Have the Mind of God: As believers, we are endowed with the mind of God, enabling us to produce superior results in every aspect of our lives. This divine mindset sets us apart and drives us towards excellence.
  3. Shamelessness in Christ: In Christ, we are liberated from shame. Pastor Joseph reminded us that God has taken away our shame, allowing us to live boldly and confidently.
  4. Balance Between Courtesy and Shamelessness: While we should maintain courtesy, self-respect, and dignity, we must not allow shame to hinder our progress. This balance is crucial in living a life of integrity and purpose.
  5. ZOE Life – A Higher Call: ZOE life, the God-kind of life, is a higher calling that beckons us to transcend ordinary living. It’s an invitation to experience life in its fullest and most divine form.
  6. Rejecting Mediocrity: Contentment with an ordinary life is not our portion. We are called to refuse mediocrity and strive for greatness, embracing the extraordinary potential within us.
  7. The Path to Success: Success is not meant to be comfortable. It requires effort, persistence, and a willingness to step out of our comfort zones. This journey, though challenging, leads to remarkable achievements.
  8. Exercising the Mind: Just as physical exercise strengthens the body, mental exercise enhances the mind. By continuously challenging and stimulating our thoughts, we can expand our cognitive abilities and achieve more.
  9. Improving Mind Quality: The quality of our thoughts directly influences the quality of our lives. Better thinking leads to a better life. We are encouraged to constantly improve our minds, as this will reflect positively in our actions and outcomes.

This session was a powerful reminder of the divine wisdom available to us and the transformative impact it can have on our lives. Let’s continue to embrace the mind of God, reject mediocrity, and strive for the extraordinary.

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