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Commonize Temptation – Pastor Kristy Joseph

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  • Commonize Temptation – Pastor Kristy Joseph
Commonize Temptation – Pastor Kristy Joseph

During the word session of the third service, the word was delivered by Pastor Kristy Joseph who focused on the crucial topic of temptation and how believers can overcome it by “commonizing” it. Drawing from 1 Corinthians 10:13, Pastor Kristy emphasized that recognizing the commonality of temptation is the first step toward victory.


Here are the key points from the sermon:

  1. Recognize the Source: Temptations are not from God but from the devil. Understanding this helps believers to approach temptations with the right mindset.
  2. Capacity to Handle Temptations: When faced with temptations, it is because we have the capacity to handle them. This assurance comes from knowing that God believes in our strength and resilience.
  3. Prosperity Despite Adversity: Even those who are cursed can find ways to prosper. This highlights that circumstances do not define our ability to overcome.
  4. Temptations Will Not Overwhelm: Pastor Kristy reassured the congregation that temptations will not consume them. This promise from God is a source of comfort and strength.
  5. God Provides Escape Routes: God is faithful to provide a way of escape in every tempting situation. This escape might come in different forms, but it is always there for those who seek it.
  6. Prayer as a Tool: One of the most powerful tools against temptation is prayer. By continuously building oneself up in prayer, believers can swallow and overcome temptations, as encouraged by Jude 1:20.

In conclusion, Pastor Kristy urged everyone to take their temptations to the place of prayer and trust in God’s provision and strength. By commonizing temptations, we demystify their power and walk confidently in victory.

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