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Casting Thy Bread – Pastor Joseph Ice

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  • Casting Thy Bread – Pastor Joseph Ice
Casting Thy Bread – Pastor Joseph Ice

True progress and influence don’t happen by accident; they require intentional action. As believers, we must understand that the breakthroughs and transformations in our lives are not by chance but by God’s design.

Bread to Seed – Isaiah 55:10; 1 Kings 17:6-13

Bread is a symbol of provision, meant to be consumed, but there comes a moment when your provision must become a seed. The story of Elijah and the widow in 1 Kings 17 illustrates this principle. Instead of holding onto her last meal, the widow sowed it in obedience to God’s word through Elijah, and it became the key to her miraculous provision. The same applies to us—what we consume today can become what God uses for our breakthrough tomorrow.


Spectacular vs. Supernatural

It’s easy to confuse the spectacular with the supernatural. God’s ways are not always flashy or aligned with our expectations, but they are always faithful. When you pray, it’s vital to be sensitive to the answers, which may not look the way you imagined. God can answer prayers in unexpected, subtle ways, requiring us to remain spiritually alert.

Faith Over Fear

Faith and fear have opposite effects—faith lifts you up, while fear drags you down. In moments of challenge, God’s track record of faithfulness reassures us not to fear. His Word repeatedly instructs us to “Fear not,” reminding us that God always delivers on His promises.

The Power of Integrity in Giving – Proverbs 3:9

For your giving to have potency, it must come from a place of integrity. Giving is not just about the act but the heart behind it. Prioritizing God in your giving shows trust in Him and acknowledges that He is the ultimate provider. Proverbs 3:9 encourages us to honor God with our substance, ensuring that we put Him first in all areas of our lives.

In summary, we must be intentional in our walk with God, sowing seeds in faith, trusting His supernatural workings, and always putting Him first. Our faith pulls us forward, while fear holds us back, but God’s faithfulness is constant, guiding us to prosperity and influence.

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