Wednesday Celebration service – 13th March, 2024
Topic: Building capacity
Text: Hebrews 5:11
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice
In today’s service, we were made to understand the concept of building capacity, drawing inspiration from Hebrews 5:11. Here’s a summary of the key takeaways:
- Listening as a Skill: Pastor Ice emphasized that listening is not merely a passive activity but a skill that needs to be cultivated. Being heard can be deeply medicinal, and developing the ability to listen truly opens doors to understanding and growth.
- Continuous Learning: Life doesn’t always come with clear instructions. Acknowledging that there’s always more to learn and understand is essential. Building capacity involves embracing a mindset of continuous learning and growth.
- Taking Bold Steps: Discovering one’s true capabilities often requires taking bold steps outside of one’s comfort zone. True growth begins with a decision to rise beyond current limitations.
- Utilizing Gifts and Growing: Each individual possesses unique gifts and talents. It’s crucial to put these gifts to use and actively pursue personal growth. Stagnation should never be an option; the desire to evolve and improve should be constant.
- Beyond Material Wealth: While acknowledging the importance of financial stability, Pastor Ice emphasized that true meaning and fulfilment in life surpass mere monetary wealth. Building capacity involves finding purpose and significance beyond material possessions.
- Seeing Opportunities in Challenges: Internal growth enables individuals to perceive opportunities even in situations commonly viewed as problems. By shifting perspective and seeking meaning, one can break through barriers and discover new possibilities.
- The Art of Listening: Distinguishing between hearing and truly listening, Pastor Ice highlighted that listening is not merely a biological process but a mental one. By actively engaging in meaningful listening, individuals can deepen their understanding and connections with others.
- Discovering Meaning: Ultimately, building capacity leads to the discovery of deeper meaning and purpose in life. By pursuing personal growth, embracing challenges, and listening intently, individuals can unlock their true potential and find fulfilment on their journey.
- In summary, Pastor Joseph Ice’s insights shed light on the transformative power of building capacity, urging individuals to embrace growth, listen with intention, and seek meaning beyond the surface.