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Dating and Relationship – Pastor Kristy Joseph

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  • Dating and Relationship – Pastor Kristy Joseph
Dating and Relationship – Pastor Kristy Joseph

Series: Love, Sex and Marriage
Topic: Dating and Relationship
Minister: Pastor Kristy Joseph

– Dating is the process of investigating the possibilities of marriage.
– Marriage works, it is possible and it is doable.
– If you build on the wrong foundation it won’t work.
– Dating is a journey with a purpose.
– You have no business dating if you are not looking at marriage.
– What to do before going into a relationship.

1. Build a relationship with God; you have nothing to lose with God

– There’s no place that you’ll be ready the most outside of God.
– If you are for God, be for him completely.
– Bury yourself in God, the issues of marriage will be sorted (Matthew 6:33).
– You are not supposed to fit in, you are supposed to stand out.

2. Discover your identity; it is very possible to get lost when you don’t know your identity (Ephesians 1:5)

– Before going into a relationship, find your identity.
– Understand that marriage or relationship doesn’t complete you.
– Refuse pressure, don’t be conformed by societal pressure.

3. Discover purpose; go to your manufacturer (God) and ask about your purpose.

– It becomes easy to build relationships when you are clear about the purpose.
– Don’t just exist, there’s more to life.
– You have peace and satisfaction when you find purpose.

4. Work; (Genesis 2:15) When you serve your purpose comes to you easily

– You should have a vision as a person.
– A picture of where you want to be in a few years.
– Pursue your vision, and work so it becomes a reality.
– Let your hands go to work.

5. Build character; there’s a way to behave

– Build the right character (Colossians 4:12).

Listen to the full message below:

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