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God’s Plan For Marriage – Pastor Kristy Joseph

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God’s Plan For Marriage – Pastor Kristy Joseph

Series: Love, Sex and Marriage
Topic: God’s plan for marriage
Minister: Pastor Kristy Joseph

What is Marriage?
This is God’s ordained convenant between a man and woman. (Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31)

– Anything outside of God’s plan will not work.
– Marriage is a good thing designed by God
– Do not have a mindset of being afraid of marriage

Purposes of Marriage

1) Companionship Genesis 2:18
– Whenever you are thinking about marriage, marry your friend

2) Heat 1 Corinthians 7:2-3, Ecclesiastes 4:11
– We must understand that sex was designed for marriage. (Songs of Solomon 8:4, Hebrews 13:4).
– You are not a goat, you can control your body

There is soul tying when you have sex

3) Warfare Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
– There is so much that can be accomplished when forces are joined in agreement

4) For purpose (Ephesians 5:31-32).
– God instituted marriage to show the world how the relationship between Christ and the church really is (Ephesians 5:20-32)/
-The way you love your wife proves how you love yourself.
– Marriage is like a 3 legged race

Matthew 19:6
God brings two people together to fulfil a task/purpose which is why you have to be careful while choosing a partner

– In every marriage, there is a yoking. God yokes you to your partner
– Marrying the right person is important because it helps purpose
– Purpose superceeds any other thing
– You have to find your own purpose as an individual before finding the purpose of your marriage
– Purpose is the most important thing in a marriage
– Marriage was ordained for purpose and you must have the same purpose with your partner
– Communication is important in the dating stage to know each other’s purpose and to see if they align
– God want you to have a happy marriage

Listen to the full message below:

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