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Honour for God’s Word – Mr. Emmanuel

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  • Honour for God’s Word – Mr. Emmanuel
Honour for God’s Word – Mr. Emmanuel

Series: Honour for God, His word and His Anointed
Topic: Honour for God’s Word
Minister: Mr. Emmanuel

How to Honour God’s word

1) Treasure it Matthew 6:21, Psalm 119:11, Ecclesiastes 8:4-5 (AMPC)
– Learn to place premium value on the word of God

2) Allow it have free course Isaiah 55:11, 2 Kings 20:1
– God’s word is not an opinion, it is the opinion concerning and and every matter
– You may have strong reasons but allow God to bring His word to manifest
– When you honour the word of God, you can confidently hold on to God’s word

3) Ingest and Digest it Jeremiah 15:16; 3:15
– It is not just enough to hear and receive the word. You have to learn to internalize it
– God’s word is profitable to you after the digestion of the word

4. Rejoice at God’s word Psalm 119:162

5. Don’t over familiarize it Luke 5:5

6. Never assume what God is saying or not saying, Verify from Him 2 Samuel 5:19-25
– Silence is not consent, be sure of what the Lord is saying

7. Study to validate your identity 1Timothy 2:15
– When you have searched and known God’s word, you can enforce the right words in your life

Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice
Text: 1 Peter 3:2-4 NLT
– Looking good is good business, be modest in dressing (1 Samuel 2:30, 2 Thessalonians 1:12)
– God is big on honour
– God responds first to the honour in our hearts before the substance in our hands
– If there is dishonour in our hearts, the substance would not be accepted
– Any and everything done outside of reverence is tantamount to dishonour
– In worship, your primary audience is God


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