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Honour for his Anointed (Part 1) – Minister Happiness

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Honour for his Anointed (Part 1) – Minister Happiness

Series: Honor for God, Honor for his Word and Honor for his Anointed
Topic: Honor for his anointed
Minister: Minister Happiness

-The word of God is the Law of Life.

To make head way in Life, you’ll need access to one of the ministry gift.
Honor for God is honor for his anointed.
Honor is simply the ability to recognize difference and honor it.
The anointed has every human tendencies and the anointing (Job 38:33)
You can Never go wrong in honor.
Honor is seed and the harvest it produces is access.
When you dishonor the anointed, there’s little or nothing the anointing can do For you.
The grace you honor is the one you can partake of.
All failures without exception are as a result of dishonor to principles, man and
When you pray well, you’ll do well

You can’t make headway in Life with honor for the anointed and his anointing.
Blessed are you if you’re not offended at the anointed.

1. To hold them in high esteem (Matthew 10:41)
– God’s word in the mouth of the anointed is as powerful as the word of God in God’s mouth.
– God has empowered your prophet to help you succeed.
– When you dishonor your anointed, the flow of virtue with not be there.
– If you don’t walk in honor towards the anointed, you’ll not be trained well.

2. One way to honor is to submit yourself, when you submit yourself, you’ll get the right training and equipping to be successful.
– Honor to the anointed is a spiritual obligation
– Wherever the anointed is honored, it works great wonders

3. To Give to the Anointed
– We respect with word’s and honor with Substance.
– The honor in you heart will reflect on the substance in your hand. Galatians 6:6(TLB)
– Honor is a biblical principle, when you use it well, you’ll Profit
– Giving to the anointed is a means of exchange, it is venison.

4. Ardent Loyalty to your anointed (Proverbs 3:3)
– Have your anointed Back.
– In Loyalty, you can’t walk In Dishonor.
– Be a die hard fan of your Anointed.

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