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Passing On The Baton – Pastor Kristy Joseph

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  • Passing On The Baton – Pastor Kristy Joseph
Passing On The Baton – Pastor Kristy Joseph

Sunday Celebration (2nd Service) – 10th March, 2024

Topic:* Passing On The Baton

Text:* 2nd Timothy 1:3-7

Minister:* Pastor Kristy Joseph

Today, Pastor Kristy taught us about “Passing On The Baton,” drawing insights from 2nd Timothy 1:3-7. She emphasized the significant role of women in nurturing and motherhood, highlighting it as a divine calling accompanied by immense responsibility.

Pastor Kristy stressed that nurturing is essential to womanhood and extends beyond mere physical attributes. It involves imparting God’s word, teaching life skills, instilling faith, and cultivating a deep trust in God in the next generation. She urged mothers and upcoming mothers to consider the long-term impact of their decisions on their children.


Furthermore, she emphasized the importance of spending time on meaningful endeavours, particularly in nurturing the next generation.

In conclusion, Pastor Kristy encouraged mothers, reminding them of God’s promise of reward for their efforts (Hebrews 6:10). The blog post encapsulates the essence of the message, urging readers to embrace their role in nurturing future generations and partnering with God in this sacred endeavour.

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