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Prophetic Help – Pastor Joseph Ice

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Prophetic Help – Pastor Joseph Ice

Sermon: Prophetic Help
Text: Hosea 12:10-13, Ezra 6:1-14, Zach 4
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

– There are life forces that backs up the word of the prophet of God.
– There are core reasons why you should be in church.
– If you pay attention to the main reasons why you should come to church, you’d find all the mundane things and more following you.
– God is more than able to supply all your needs.
– God is looking for people that’ll believe him.
– You can’t say you believe him but you do not believe the prophet he sent to you.
– God has more than one way of reaching out to you.
– Make a decision to pattern your life in accordance to God’s word.
– God wants us to be established and it’s by believing what God has said.
– Believe his prophet.
– By believing his prophet you’ll move forward.
– Instructions are person specific; pattern your life based on the instruction that are akin to you as a person.
– In the New Testament, A core part of the prosperity in your life is tied to the prophet over your life.
– If you don’t conquer in the spiritual, you’ll not conquer in the physical.
– Life is powered by principles.
– If you receive the prophet as a good instructor, you’ll receive good instructions.
– It’s important how you receive the prophet, from a teacher you would get instructions but from a father, you’d receive an inheritance.

Listen to the full message below:

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