Series: Total Life Prosperity
Topic: Prospering by the word (Part 2)
Minister: Pastor Favour Myles
– Nobody wakes up and becomes prosperous (Joshua 1:8)
– God has said so much about you but you have to choose it
How to prosper by the word (continuation from last Sunday)
3. Speaking the word is how you prosper;
– You can not meditate without speaking (proverbs 18:20)
– Positively or negatively, whatever you say you’ll live with the consequences
– Your words carry life, whether or not you are a believer
– Say the right words, don’t conform to this world
– You can shape your life with your words(psalm 1:3)
– Choose to mentally prosper
– Prosper spiritually
– Prosper physically
– Prosper emotionally
Listen to the full message below: