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The Local Church (Part 3) – Pastor Joseph Ice

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  • The Local Church (Part 3) – Pastor Joseph Ice
The Local Church (Part 3) – Pastor Joseph Ice

Topic: The Local Church (Part 3)
Text: Acts 13:2-3
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

– God has a prescribed pattern/preferred way of doing things, God is not haphazard.
– As a believer it is important that you’re always properly positioned to receive prophetic words landed on you.
– God has a way that he saves and that is through men.
– The great commission is given to every believer.
– You either go, send or disobey (don’t disobey).
– Ministry is an inheritance, you don’t have to have from scratch.
– In listening to other people who are already doing what you have been called to do, yours will be enhanced
– Your seed expands the borders of your heart, it is by the seed for your heart to stretch.
– All that you are looking for, the moment you can get it into your heart (internalize), you would be able to bring it out.
– The reason why there’s an inheritance Is so that the next generation would not start from scratch.

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