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The Manifestation of The Spirit (Prophesy II) – Pastor Joseph Ice

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  • The Manifestation of The Spirit (Prophesy II) – Pastor Joseph Ice
The Manifestation of The Spirit (Prophesy II) – Pastor Joseph Ice

In today’s first service, Pastor Joseph Ice continued into the profound topic of the manifestations of the spirit, focusing on its practical application in the believer’s life. He began by reminding us that there is a divine provision in God that we can access and take advantage of. This provision is available through the manifestation of the gift of the Spirit, which believers are encouraged to practice.



Drawing from 1 Corinthians 14:13, Pastor Joseph emphasized that prophecy and interpretation are spiritual gifts that require practice and understanding. He clarified that interpretation is not merely a translation of words but an explanation that conveys the essence of what God is communicating. The interpretation, therefore, is heavily influenced by the person delivering it.

Pastor Joseph also noted that the length of the conversation in prophetic utterances is not as important as the essence of the interpretation. He encouraged the congregation to pay close attention to the thoughts that come to mind while praying in tongues, as these are often the seeds of prophetic insight.

Finally, he urged everyone to pray until their understanding becomes fruitful, highlighting the importance of persistent and focused prayer in tapping into the fullness of the prophetic gift.

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