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The Ministry of the Prophet – Pastor Joseph Ice

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The Ministry of the Prophet – Pastor Joseph Ice

Sermon: The Ministry of the Prophet
Text: Hosea 12:13, Ezra 6:14, 1Th 5:20
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

– The word only works to the degree to which you work the Word.
– The fulfilment prophesy is not hinged on the prophet; it is on your, how you receive the Word and what you do, with the Word.
– It is not about the Word as much as it is about what you do with the Word.
– You don’t decide for a prophesy or a vision, the prophesy or vision decides for you.
– How you receive the prophet is more important than the thing would say to you.


– Learn to receive prophetic Words and how to interact with prophetic Word.
– The word is the prophet is potent enough to produce the reality that you need.
– We don’t speak to describe, we speak to create.
– What brought you to the point where you get the Word is what you should continue to do until that Word becomes your reality.
– Prophesy => Manifestation and everything in between (The leading of the spirit).
– In relation with the prophetic word, it is important how you receive the Word, and what you do with the Word. Carry it full-term.

SUCCESS IS ABOUT RESPONDING CORRECTLY; It’s not about what happened as it is about your response to the situation.

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