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The Role Of Meditation In Thriving – Pastor Joseph Ice

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  • The Role Of Meditation In Thriving – Pastor Joseph Ice
The Role Of Meditation In Thriving – Pastor Joseph Ice

Series: Thriving in Hard Times
Topic: The Role Of Meditation In Thriving
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

– Do not be bothered by trival issues in life. There is nothing that you’re dealing with that God has not provided a way out for you.
– When you’re going through hardtimes, learn to commonize it (Matthew 6:32)
– The place of Meditation in thriving in hard times (Joshua 1:8, Genesis 24:63)
– To meditate, you need to ponder.
– When you want to properly meditate;

1)Get a condusive space
– There are certain tools that make for proper thinking. No effective person thinks in a straight line.

2) Get proper timing; timing is important
– The time for thinking and the time given to thinking is important

Why meditate?
– Meditation is necessary and important because the creative power of God comes to bear and is released to go into motion in your life while you’re meditating (Genesis 1:1-2).
– Learn to leave the problem and focus on the word because it’s not the problem that matters. It is what you do about it.
– When you’re hedged in, leave the problem and focus on God and His word.
– Once you give time to meditation of the word, you give access to light and when light comes, every other thing takes shape.
– Your internal environment is what regulates your external environment.
– God’s highest obsession is to be believed.
– To think is free.
– Once you spend time in God’s word meditating, the resources needed for certain progress begins to gather and align.

– Your vision has something about it that would attract all that it requires to come to existence.

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