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Things to do in a relationship – Pastor Kristy Joseph & Joseph Ice

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Things to do in a relationship – Pastor Kristy Joseph & Joseph Ice

Series: Love, Sex and Marriage
Topic: Things to do in a relationship
Minister: Pastor Kristy Joseph & Pastor Joseph Ice

– God will not use a failed relationship to teach you a lesson.
1. Be accountable
– Submit your relationship to a spiritual covering. Talk to pastors about your relationships before you get into it and while you’re in it.
– Keeping your relationship a secret from spiritual authority is a dangerous place to be.
– Your pastors owe you life instructions.
– Be willing to receive advice concerning your relationship.
– Do not hide your relationships from your pastor.

2. Build a friendship relationship with your partner
– Before going into a relationship, cultivate friendship with that person beyond the butterflies and emotions.
– It’s very important to marry your friend

3. Communicate your visions
– Before you go into a relationship and after you get into one, communicate your visions. This enables you to know if you people are going in the same direction.
– You shouldn’t be with someone who pins your visions down.
– You should communicate your dreams and aspirations in life to know if you are headed in the same direction.

4. Set boundaries and respect your values.

– It is very important that you set boundaries when you get into a relationship.
– Respect your values because they define who you are.
– Don’t do things that will tempt you.
– Set boundaries and values for yourself and stick to them.
– Avoid living together as an unmarried couple

5. Don’t ignore the red flags.

– Whenever you notice the red flags, do not ignore them.
– They are always an indicator of the future of the relationship.

6. Confirm your genotype Christ has provided healing for us believers but if your faith cannot carry you, do not venture into it. Confirm your genotype beforehand for the sake of your children.

7. Inform your parents/parent figure.
– Do not be scared to inform your parents.
– Let your parents be aware of your relationships whenever you’re heading towards marriage.
– Let your parents know on time. Our parent’s blessings are important to us in marriage.
– It is important that your parents are aware and that you get their blessings before marriage.
– Your parents will have advice for you concerning your relationships.


– The last thing men look for when getting into a relationship is a mother.
– Stop trying to mother him. Do not try to control him or tell him what to do.
– As a woman exerting authority over a man will make him feel threatened and will push him further away.
– There is something that time helps you to refine in a relationship.
– Give it time and wait before getting into a relationship.
– Do not marry someone that you don’t know much about.

Learn about their anger, reaction to anger and other emotions.
– The reason you have to build friendship first is because at friendship level, the stakes are not high and you can be yourself so you’ll be able to understand and study yourself.
– Study how they react to you and other people as

– Submit your relationship to your pastors (Hebrews 13:17).
– Let them be aware of your relationship.
– You’re safer when your relationship is receiving spiritual covering and advice.

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