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Through the help of God – Pastor Joseph Ice

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  • Through the help of God – Pastor Joseph Ice
Through the help of God – Pastor Joseph Ice

Series: Thriving in Hard Times
Topic: Through the help of God
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

– If the devil cannot steal your joy, he cannot keep your goods (Hebrews 13:5-6).
– It matters what you say in times of trouble, in face of danger.
– When the chips are down the help of God is your advantage.
– God can be trusted, you can count on God to help you, don’t be too proud, ask for help especially from God.
– It’s an act of humility to ask for help, God is our help.
– We don’t pray with our eyes fixed on the prayer, we pray with our eyes fixed on God (Psalm 121:1-2).
– God ought to be your plan A-Z.
– Build a culture of showing utter dependence on God (Psalm 27:1-13).
– God doesn’t respond to your emotions.
– He responds to his word, that is you calling upon him in prayers.
– God is open to show us his goodness.
– Be conscious of his disposition towards you, that is to do you good.
– There’s a difference between thinking and worrying about your life.
– Thinking makes you productive.
– Worrying closes the doors of you being productive.
– You are not a prayer project, do your own prayer (James5:13)
– You were not designed to be alone. There’s a suitable help for you and He is God
– The challenges of life are part of the things that makes life interesting.
– Instead of praying against them, pray to thrive above them.
– You are not without help

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