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The Spirit of Joy – Pastor Joseph Ice

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  • The Spirit of Joy – Pastor Joseph Ice
The Spirit of Joy – Pastor Joseph Ice

Series: Thriving in Hard Times
Topic: The Spirit of Joy
Text: Nehemiah 8:10, Eph 5:19-21 NLT, Psalm 34:7, Heb 1:14, Lam 3:16.
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

“If the devil cannot steal your joy, he cannot keep your goods.”

1. Keep your joy
– Life was never designed to be lived with clear eyes.
– Don’t lose your joy; Joy is capital, and joy is coming.
– Joy strengthens, joy builds.
– One of the powerful things about forgiving is “not understanding”.
– Learn to dwell on the positives of life; It helps to maintain your joy.
– Stay joyful in hard times.
– Learn to commonize your problems, troubles & struggles.
– If you make it a culture to always make melody in your heart, it would always show on the outside.

2. Remember!
– Learn to keep account of what God has done.
– When it looks like you’re all hedged and it looks like you’d go under. Sit down and “remember” God’s goodness over you.

3. Speak Positively
– Have the discipline to maintain your confessions.
– What you say matters a lot.
– The quality of your life was never designed to be tied to any government, it is tied to every WORD that proceeds out of your mouth.
– You are not alone (Psalm 34:7)
– There is a reality beyond the one that you can see with your optical eyes.

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