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Power Through Prayer – Pastor Joseph Ice

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Power Through Prayer – Pastor Joseph Ice

Sermon: Power Through Prayer
Text: Eph 3:20
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

– Life is a power issue
– You cannot be born again without the Holy Ghost
– For every Christian, there is power on the inside
– The Christian doesn’t have a power or faith issue , it’s a usage issue
– The spirit inside you is potential energy
– You have to convert it to moving energy
– God can only do according to the power that is at work within us
– Prayer doesn’t start with your lips, it starts in your heart
– Your mind is also a prayer warrior, your vision is equally powerful
– Forgiveness of sins is not predicated to you confessing your sins
– Living wrongly and in sin, had its own consequence

How to experience power?
– Start praying, especially in the Holy Ghost
– Every prayer that is done is according to the will of God
– Power is for getting the job done
– Power Produce results

You can put your life on auto pilot By praying without seizing.

Listen to the full message below:

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