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The Mercies of God- Pastor Joseph Ice

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The Mercies of God- Pastor Joseph Ice

Wednesday Celebration service – 27th March, 2024

Topic: The mercies of God.
Text: Jonah 1,2,3.
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

In tonight congregational message, we were reminded of the profound mercies of God as depicted in the biblical narrative of Jonah. Drawing from Jonah chapters 1, 2, and 3, Pastor Ice listed several key points that shed light on God’s abundant mercy and its significance in the lives of believers.

At the heart of Pastor Ice’s message was the assurance of faith that comes from praying to God and receiving answers. He emphasized that God is not only full of mercy but is, in fact, merciful by His very nature. This fundamental understanding sets the stage for believers to grasp the depth of God’s compassion and grace.

One striking aspect highlighted by Pastor Ice is the cost of following God, which may sometimes require sacrificing one’s reputation. This echoes the biblical narrative of Jonah, who initially resisted God’s call and faced consequences before ultimately obeying.

Throughout the sermon, Pastor Ice stressed the importance of staying obedient to God’s current directives. He likened this to constantly updating one’s software, indicating the need for ongoing spiritual growth and receptivity to divine guidance.

Central to the discussion was the concept that practicing mercy towards others is essential for receiving God’s mercy.

Furthermore, Pastor Ice underscored the role of humility in approaching God’s mercy, highlighting the contrast between confidence in the flesh and reliance on God’s provision. He pointed out that while the law reveals human shortcomings, it is through God’s mercy that restoration and redemption are found.

A reminder emerged from Psalm 136:1 God’s mercy is not merely passive pity but an active force that seeks to erase the effects of sin and restore fellowship with Him. This profound truth invites believers to embrace the transformative power of God’s mercy in their lives.

In conclusion, Pastor Ice’s sermon on the mercies of God serves as a poignant reminder of the divine compassion that sustains and uplifts believers. Through the lens of Jonah’s journey, listeners are encouraged to deepen their faith, embrace humility, and extend mercy to others, knowing that God delights in doing good to His children. As John Piper aptly puts it, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him,” a truth that resonates profoundly in the context of God’s abundant mercies.



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