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Receiving God’s Mercy Through Faith – Pastor Favour Myles

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Receiving God’s Mercy Through Faith – Pastor Favour Myles

Series: The Mercy of God
Topic: Receiving God’s Mercy Through Faith
Text: Hebrews 4:14 -16
Minister: Pastor Favour Myles

In tonight’s Midweek Service, Pastor Favour Myles taught us about receiving God’s mercy through faith, starting from Hebrews 4:14-16. The overarching theme highlighted God’s boundless mercy, emphasizing that it’s inexhaustible and available for all.

Throughout the sermon, it was emphasized that God desires believers to live immersed in His mercy every day. Faith was underscored as the key to accessing this mercy, with Hebrews 11:1 and 11:6 serving as pivotal scriptures.

The practical steps to receive God’s mercy through faith were outlined, beginning with opening one’s ears to the word of God and meditating on it deeply. Pastor Myles stressed the importance of nurturing faith through deliberate meditation on God’s promises, allowing His word to transform one’s perception of themselves and their circumstances.

Central to the message was the reminder of God’s unwavering faithfulness and His desire to meet the needs of His children. Through complete trust and reliance on God’s word, believers are empowered to navigate life’s challenges and experience the fullness of His mercy.

Ultimately, the sermon urged us a believer to cultivate a lifestyle of faith, anchored in God’s word, and unwavering trust in His promises. By doing so, believers are assured of God’s timely intervention and transformative power in their lives.


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