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Thanks Be To God – Pastor Joseph Ice

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Thanks Be To God – Pastor Joseph Ice

Today marking the opening day of the Mid-Year Conference with enlightening words by Pastor Joseph Ice drawing his train of thoughts from 2 Corinthians 2:1-14. Here’s a recap of the key points and messages from Day 1 of Mid-Year Conference.

  1. You Are a Product of the Meetings You Attend
    • The gatherings and fellowships you participate in shape your spiritual journey and personal growth. Choose them wisely and embrace the transformative power they hold.
  2. Make Gratitude the Anthem of Your Life
    • Gratitude should be a constant in our lives. Despite any challenges, recognizing and appreciating God’s love and guidance fosters a positive and resilient spirit.
  3. God’s Unwavering Love
    • No matter the circumstances, God’s love for us remains steadfast. This assurance helps us navigate through life’s highs and lows with confidence and peace.
  4. Steadfast in God’s Guidance
    • When you trust in God’s leadership, you won’t be swayed by others’ achievements or societal pressures. Your journey with God is unique and perfectly crafted for you.
  5. Walking with God
    • Your life is a journey that God is leading. Stay attentive and walk with Him, knowing that as you do, growth and transformation are taking place within you.
  6. God’s Faithful Care
    • God is deeply committed to you and the way you represent Him in the world. He is more than responsible and faithful, always fulfilling His promises and expectations.
  7. Triumphant Living
    • According to 2 Thessalonians 3:1-3, God is faithful and can be trusted to meet His responsibilities. He leads you from victory to victory, with triumph being His only destination for you.
  8. Expanding Vision
    • Do not limit yourself. When you achieve success, don’t stop there; continue striving forward. Likewise, when you encounter failure, remember that it is not the end but a part of your journey.
  9. Redefining Failure
    • Failure is only true failure when you accept it as such. Instead, view setbacks as opportunities for growth and perseverance.
  10. Relieving Unnecessary Pressure
    • Free yourself from undue stress and relax. Trust in God’s leading and follow His guidance with confidence and peace.

Pastor Joseph Ice’s message on gratitude, trust, and the faithful nature of God set a profound tone for the conference. As attendees, let’s take these lessons to heart, walking with God and allowing His guidance to lead us from one victory to the next.


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