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The Prosperity of The Mind – Pastor Myles Joshua

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  • The Prosperity of The Mind – Pastor Myles Joshua
The Prosperity of The Mind – Pastor Myles Joshua

In the first service for today, the word session was delivered by Pastor Myles Joshua who delved into the profound importance of the mind’s prosperity and its impact on every other aspect of our lives.

Pastor Myles began by emphasizing that the prosperity of the soul is just as crucial as the prosperity of our physical and spiritual well-being, referencing 3 John 1:2. He highlighted that without a healthy body, our ability to serve God is hindered. Our physical body, which houses our spirit, is of great importance to God.

The sermon illustrated how the prosperity of the soul and the body are interconnected. Citing Philippians 4:8, Pastor Myles stressed that the quality of our mind directly influences the quality of our life. Therefore, one of our major life investments should be in our mind.

Drawing from Romans 12:2, he pointed out that transformation in a person’s life is often hindered by an unrenewed mind. Our thoughts shape our reality: “As a man thinks, so is he.” Failure, he explained, often starts with the mind.

Pastor Myles encouraged the congregation to focus their thoughts on things that are true, honest, right, and Godly. By thinking on God’s word, our lives can undergo remarkable changes. This call to mental renewal and focus on divine truths serves as a reminder of the transformative power of a prosperous mind.

In closing, he reiterated the necessity of aligning our thoughts with God’s word to experience true transformation and prosperity in every facet of life.

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