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The Life Theatre Christian Centre is a young and dynamic fast growing church that boldly proclaims the Love of Jesus.

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The Local Church (Part 2) – Pastor Joseph Ice

The Local Church (Part 2) – Pastor Joseph Ice

Topic: The Local Church (Part 2) Text: 2 Samuel 25:13-24, Eph 4:8-12, Isaiah 30:19-21 Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice – There’s nothing that stop God from doing with one person what a thousand people could accomplish. – If you leave the…

The Local Church (Part 1) – Pastor Joseph Ice

The Local Church (Part 1) – Pastor Joseph Ice

Topic: The Local Church Text: 1 Thessalonians 5:12 Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice – Take advantage of your pain as a signal to improve. – Don’t waste your pain; pain is an indication that something is wrong. – Don’t get distracted…

TLTCC Core Value – Pastor Joseph Ice

TLTCC Core Value – Pastor Joseph Ice

Topic: TLTCC Core Value Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice Becoming is better than having Core values – Love – Fellowship – Excellence – Faithfulness – Commitment – Discipline 1. Love; (Matt 22:38, jhn 3:16) – We are a people, a church…

Power Through Prayer – Pastor Joseph Ice

Power Through Prayer – Pastor Joseph Ice

Sermon: Power Through Prayer Text: Eph 3:20 Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice – Life is a power issue – You cannot be born again without the Holy Ghost – For every Christian, there is power on the inside – The Christian…

Prophetic Help – Pastor Joseph Ice

Prophetic Help – Pastor Joseph Ice

Sermon: Prophetic Help Text: Hosea 12:10-13, Ezra 6:1-14, Zach 4 Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice – There are life forces that backs up the word of the prophet of God. – There are core reasons why you should be in church.…

Honour for God’s Word – Mr. Emmanuel

Honour for God’s Word – Mr. Emmanuel

Series: Honour for God, His word and His Anointed Topic: Honour for God’s Word Minister: Mr. Emmanuel How to Honour God’s word 1) Treasure it Matthew 6:21, Psalm 119:11, Ecclesiastes 8:4-5 (AMPC) – Learn to place premium value on the…