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Embracing the help of God-Pastor Favour Myles

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  • Embracing the help of God-Pastor Favour Myles
Embracing the help of God-Pastor Favour Myles

In this powerful message by Pastor Myles, we’re reminded that God’s presence is always with us, and He desires to help us in every aspect of our lives.

To experience His help, we must be bold, acknowledge His presence, and consistently speak His truth. We’re encouraged to listen to His Word until it convicts our hearts, and trust that He provides strength and grace for everything He asks us to do. Letting go of our timelines and limitations, we must humbly seek God’s help, allowing Him to work in His perfect time.
Our lives should validate God’s plan, and we must remember that we’re not responsible for our lives – God wants to help us.

Don’t let pride or unbelief limit God’s work in your life. Instead, embrace His help and experience the miracle that begins with acknowledging His presence.

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