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Preach the Word in And out Of Season – Pastor Jospeh Ice

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Preach the Word in And out Of Season – Pastor Jospeh Ice

Topic: Preach the word in and out of season
Text: 2 Timothy 4:1-2
Minister: Pastor Joseph Ice

Pastor Joseph Ice emphasizes the timeless importance of preaching the word “in and out of season In 2 Timothy 4:1-2.” Here’s a summarized breakdown of his powerful message:

Uncomfortable Preaching: Pastor Ice stresses the need to preach not only when it’s comfortable but also when it’s challenging or inconvenient. True preaching transcends personal feelings.

Universal Accessibility: The gospel isn’t restricted by time or place; it can be preached anywhere and everywhere. Its message is relevant to all people, in all circumstances.

Defence and Protection: Preaching the gospel serves as both a defence and protection. It defends the truth of the gospel and protects the believer’s spiritual journey.

Declaration of Identity: Part of preaching involves declaring one’s identity as a follower of Christ. It’s about boldly proclaiming who we are and what we stand for.


Faithfulness over Convenience: Preaching isn’t about convenience; it’s about faithfulness to the call. Regardless of circumstances, believers are called to faithfully share the gospel.

Readiness to Receive: Believers should always be ready to receive the gospel, open to its transformative power in their lives.

Giving What You Have: One cannot give what they do not possess. To effectively share the gospel, believers must first experience its saving grace themselves.

Introducing the Gospel: The gospel is the solution to everything that needs saving. Introducing it to those in need is a fundamental aspect of the Christian mission.

In essence, Pastor Ice’s message explains the importance of unwavering commitment to preaching the gospel, regardless of circumstances. It’s a call to faithfulness, readiness, and boldness in sharing the transformative power of the Word of God.

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