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Thanksgiving and Dedication – Pastor Joseph Ice

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  • Thanksgiving and Dedication – Pastor Joseph Ice

Today’s Thanksgiving and Dedication Service was a heartfelt reminder of the importance of recognizing God’s hand in all aspects of our lives. Pastor Joseph Ice delivered a powerful sermon based on Psalm 127:1, emphasizing the foundational truth that “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”


Key Points:

  1. The Futility of Building Without the Lord: Pastor Ice highlighted that while it’s possible to build without God, such efforts are ultimately in vain. True success and lasting prosperity come only through Him.
  2. God’s Personal Concern: “If it matters to you, it matters to God,” he reminded us. Our concerns are significant to God, and He cares deeply about every aspect of our lives.
  3. Divine Prosperity: Referencing 2 Corinthians, Pastor Ice noted that the Lord is the one who prospers people. Our achievements and blessings are a testament to His grace and provision.
  4. Grace as Empowerment: Grace was defined as divine empowerment, enabling us to achieve what we cannot do on our own.
  5. God’s Sustaining Power: Even in loss, God’s sustaining power is evident. “In case you have lost anything, God is the reason you haven’t lost everything.”
  6. Comparative Gratitude: He cautioned against comparing our blessings with others, stating, “Nothing is small until it is compared.” By focusing on our own blessings, we cultivate a heart of gratitude.
  7. Acknowledging God’s Role: Recognize that we are where we are because God brought us here. Failing to give thanks is akin to assuming self-sufficiency and ignoring God’s role in our journey.
  8. God’s Faithfulness: Pastor Ice emphasized the unwavering faithfulness of God. In every situation, His steadfast love and mercy are evident.
  9. Seeing God’s Hand: Learning to see God’s hand in everything is crucial. Pastor Ice illustrated this with Jeremiah 30:19, encouraging us to appreciate even the smallest acts of God’s goodness. “If you appreciate God for His finger, you’ll see His hand in everything.”

This service was a powerful reminder to continually offer thanks and dedicate our lives to God, recognizing His immense role in our successes and well-being. As we move forward, let’s carry a heart of gratitude, always acknowledging His faithfulness and grace in every aspect of our lives.

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