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The Christian Conduct – Pastor Myles Joshua

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  • The Christian Conduct – Pastor Myles Joshua
The Christian Conduct – Pastor Myles Joshua

In our first service, Pastor Myles Joshua delved into the vital topic of “The Christian Conduct,” drawing from 1 Timothy 3:15 to emphasize the importance of behavior within the church. He highlighted that as Christians, our conduct is not just a personal matter but a testimony to others. Quoting 1 Peter 2:11, he underscored that there is a specific way to behave in church, as we are representatives of Christ and must guide others through our actions.

Pastor Myles stressed that discipline is key to maintaining good Christian conduct. He outlined three crucial areas of discipline:

  1. Moderation in All Things
    We must exercise moderation in all aspects of life, ensuring that nothing controls us. He encouraged the congregation not to let sleep or other distractions hinder their productivity and service to God.
  2. Discipline in Work
    Referencing 2 Thessalonians 3:10-12, Pastor Myles reminded everyone that work is both good and dignified. He warned against idleness, urging believers to be diligent in their work as it reflects their commitment to God.
  3. The Use of Your Tongue
    Drawing from James 1:26 and Proverbs 18:20, he emphasized the power of words. For a believer, words should be seasoned with grace and life, speaking encouragement and truth in every situation.

Pastor Myles concluded by encouraging the church to embody these principles, reflecting the character of Christ in their daily lives, both inside and outside the church.

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