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The Release Of Faith – Pastor Joseph Ice

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  • The Release Of Faith – Pastor Joseph Ice
The Release Of Faith – Pastor Joseph Ice

In the dynamic realm of the spirit, walking in faith is not just a principle; it’s a lifestyle. Pastor Joseph Ice led us through a powerful exploration of faith during our Midweek Service, emphasizing that a believer can achieve nothing outside of faith.




Key Points:

  • The Essence of Faith: Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. This scripture sets the foundation for understanding that faith reaches beyond the tangible and visible.
  • Faith as a Necessity: For believers, faith is indispensable. Pastor Ice highlighted that if your faith says “yes,” God will not say “no.” This underlines the partnership between divine will and human belief.
  • The Fake Life of Unbelief: Living without faith is akin to living a fake life. True belief aligns our actions and thoughts with God’s promises, making unbelief an untenable option for a believer.
  • Responsible Faith: Any faith that places all responsibility on God is irresponsible. Genuine faith requires action on our part, demonstrating our trust and reliance on God’s power and promises.
  • Faith Lightens Burdens: By exercising faith, believers can make light of challenging situations. Faith allows us to see beyond our current circumstances and trust in God’s provision.
  • Seeing the Invisible: Faith gives us the vision to see what cannot be seen with natural eyes. It transcends physical realities, anchoring us in the hope and assurance of God’s promises.
  • The High of Faith: Pastor Ice described faith as a certain kind of high, a state of spiritual elevation that propels believers to live above ordinary constraints.
  • Releasing Faith: It’s not enough to possess faith; we must release it. This involves making moves that visibly demonstrate our trust in God, thereby activating His promises in our lives.

In summary, faith is not a passive attribute but an active force that requires expression and action. Pastor Joseph Ice encouraged us to not just keep faith within but to release it, making bold moves that reflect our trust in God. As we step out in faith, we align ourselves with God’s will, transforming our lives and the lives of those around us.

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